31 files found in Library "Business"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AB31.ZIP Yes 268496 6/20/1994
Above & Beyond 3.1 is an advanced time
management system for Windows. (1Soft
Corp.) (Reg.Fee: $99)
ALM31B.ZIP Yes 283576 5/27/1994
Almanac for Windows 3.1b is a powerful
calendar and information utility for WIN31.
(Leonard A. Gray) (Reg.Fee: $52-84)
APLANR30.ZIP Yes 220085 6/9/1994
A Project/Event Planner 3.0 can be used for
quick overall project planning, activity
scheduling, and resource scheduling. (Layton
Fujii) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $37)
CALCNETT.ZIP Yes 104792 5/31/1994
CalcNett 2.01 is a Windows calculator for
determining the landed cost, list price and
net selling prices for bought in items.
(Sirrom Solutions, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $15 Pound)
CATWIN.ZIP Yes 13673 6/13/1994
CATWIN.APP converts TAPCIS-compatible CIS
catalog files with the CAT extension into an
xBase database with the DBF extension. (Jeff
Bankston) (Reg.Fee: $25)
CONCOM.ZIP Yes 260767 5/27/1994
Concrete Volume Computer is a Windows
utility that calculates the volume of
concrete needed for poured walls, slabs and
footings in home construction. (Tom Nanos)
(Reg.Fee: $5)
D_NEX1.ZIP Yes 844730 6/21/1994
DesignsNexus 1.0a is a recordkeeping and
objects reference facility for designers or
users of creative works in any form that can
be stored as binary objects on
computer-readable media. (RCCO Research
Associates) (Reg.Fee: $30)
D_NEX2.ZIP Yes 1192125 6/21/1994 See D_NEX1.ZIP
D_NEX3.ZIP Yes 1136886 6/21/1994 See D_NEX1.ZIP
D_NEX4.ZIP Yes 1170226 6/21/1994 See D_NEX1.ZIP
DAREBASE.ZIP Yes 942491 6/21/1994
DareBase 1.60 is a database program for
WIN31. (Eric Steigerwald) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20)
DBDEF1.ZIP Yes 1162391 5/27/1994
DB*dbf 1.0a is a Windows-based mouse driven
database management tool for Watcom SQL .
(Legacy Systems) (Reg.Fee: $49)
EIRP10.ZIP Yes 331254 6/6/1994
EIRP Chart for Windows 1.0 is an electronics
calculator that consolidates both Ohm's and
Watt's laws into one easy to use interface.
(John W. Megehee) (Reg.Fee: $10-$15)
FINMAN.ZIP Yes 444577 6/3/1994
Financial Manager for Windows 1.01E helps you
evaluate the performance of your company and
to valuate its shares. (Borje Kyrklund)
(Reg.Fee: $95)
INT_RES.ZIP Yes 390604 6/6/1994
Interactive Resume Demo is a demo of a
service that can create an on-line resume
complete with graphics, different cover
letters/introductions, closing statements,
and much more. (W. Cioccia) (Reg.Fee: $29+)
INVIT303.ZIP Yes 259866 6/22/1994
Invoice-It for Windows 3.03 allows you to
create and track sales invoices without the
overhead of a full blown accounting system.
(Eastern Digital Resources) (Reg.Fee: $35)
ISSUMAN.ZIP Yes 254075 5/31/1994
Issue Manager 1.0 is a sophisticated issue
tracking system for Windows. (Winnovation)
(Reg.Fee: $50)
J10KEY.ZIP Yes 149540 6/9/1994
Judy's Tenkey 2.8 is a powerful replacement
for the default Windows calculator. (Reg.Fee:
MPM2.ZIP Yes 392338 6/3/1994
Maintenance Planning and Management 1.1E a
tool for planning and management of the
maintenance activities of an industry of any
kind that uses equipment to produce its
output. (Reg.Fee: $130)
NT_RCA.ZIP Yes 261377 6/23/1994
Rcalc for Windows NT is a Reverse Polish
Notation (RPN) calculator. (Pocket-Sized
Software) (Reg.Fee: $5)
NT2000.ZIP Yes 302000 6/6/1994
Notebook 1.00 is a Windows-based PIM for
portable PCs. (Ivan Kostenko) (Reg.Fee: $0)
PAYCHK20.ZIP Yes 154876 6/1/1994
PayCheck for Windows 2.0 is a simple to use
employee payroll program. (JSR Software)
(Reg.Fee: $39)
PBK_23.ZIP Yes 148294 6/22/1994
Phonebok for Windows 2.3 is a small-scale PIM
for WIN31. (Stephen G. Dunn) (Reg.Fee: $0)
STHINK.ZIP Yes 82474 6/6/1994
Statistical Thinking contains a pair of
Windows applications that use colorful and
dynamic histograms to illustrate basic
statistical concepts. (Bob Obenchain)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
TASKPL27.ZIP Yes 150518 6/6/1994
Professional Task Planner for Windows 2.7 is
a graphic project management utility for
WIN31. (Reg.Fee: $49)
TCHAOS.ZIP Yes 320668 6/2/1994
Time & Chaos 4.03b is a powerful integrated
appointment calendar, to-do list, and
phonebook/dialer. (iSBiSTER International,
Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $30)
TFACTS.ZIP Yes 505852 6/2/1994
TimeFacts for Windows 2.1 is a working model
of a professional time and billing program.
(William B. Sears) (Reg.Fee: $95+)
TIMEMSTR.ZIP Yes 131738 6/10/1994
The Time Master 1.6 is an easy to use package
designed to track tasks in Windows. (Softlink
Software) (Reg.Fee: $25)
VCP11.ZIP Yes 333148 6/8/1994
Visual Calendar Planner 1.1 is a customizable
calendar program that provides scheduling,
events, memos and appoinments. (Bok Nan Lo)
(Reg.Fee: $20)
ZCB10.ZIP Yes 397620 6/2/1994
Zip Code Book for Windows 1.0a is a zip code
lookup program for Windows. (Mark Comish)
(Reg.Fee: $25)
ZIPPY.ZIP Yes 274456 6/10/1994
Zippy is a demo of a ZIP Code lookup program
for Windows. (Bill Bercik) (Reg.Fee: $10)